The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Game Review

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is a good game enfolded inside of an awful one. It is a compound, woven tale of Geralt of Rivia, the titular Witcher - hunter of monsters - searching for the girl he considers his adopted daughter, Ciri, as she is chased by the Wild Hunt - a team of magical warriors - for reasons unknown.
The Glitcher is a poorly made RPG, full of sexist clichés, inexact fighting mechanics, occasional bugs, and infuriating design that often have you groaning or rolling your eyes.
The great world of this Witcher release is an ugly fantastical world, skillfully shaped to exploit emersion action and experience.
Geralt the Witcher is pursuing the trace of his ward/daughter Ciri, making the most of his ability as a tracker to trail the faint leads and traces left by Ciri as she escapes the ghostly and terrible Wild Hunt.
The haunted riders are hunting Ciri for unknown reasons, causing the local inhabitants even more misery as they are already dealing with yet another attack from the Empire of Nilfgaard, the situation is miserable, the landscape is bleak but the game is a joy.
This is an action RPG with many traditional elements exposed back and swapped with unique functions. You cannot create a party of characters, and you have only narrow control over Geralts look, more real-world based as you visit barbers and clothing stores.
Whereas the basics of combat are comparatively straight forward; light attack, heavy attack and dodge, difficulty is ramped up as time goes on. Geralt will shape a bestiary of enemies, learning the weaknesses of a wide variety of creatures.
Mounting, through alchemy, oils and potions Gerailt can boost his chances in battle by careful preplanning. This engages players even further in the world, Geralt will sometime employee Batman style research of a quest scene, investigate the area to help conclude what he might be up against shortly. There is no use whacking some Spectral oil on your silver sword if rounding the next corner has Geralt confronting a werewolf.
Signs round out Geralt's collection of battle. These magic attacks are unlocked from the beginning and you will use all of them at times, courtesy some as you go through the game improving them where you can.
And there is so much to do, each question mark discovered on the map is a drawcard for it may hold anything as mundane as a bandit camp or monster nest, or more often than not, a complete and fleshed out sub quest with conclusions and consequences.
Even travelling the landscape through foot or horseback has its rewards. The wind sadly blows through the heavily forested areas, or across the fens. Towns are occupied by dour folk going about their business both menial and grand.
Geralt is not saving the world, but quest by quest he is making a difference to the land. Meeting old partners and enemies, discovering new story elements or playing a good game of Gwent are all extremely satisfying.
Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt gets the highest of recommendations, there is hundreds of hours of game play here with little filler to be had. There is zero grinding, a pleasingly complex leveling system, crafting, alchemy and much more.
Contrasting Skyrim, this is a world that you want to be part of, read every burnt note or leather bound book. You want to explore every single question-mark on the map, walk down every byway and possibly even dive below the surface of every sea or stream. But at some stage you need to re-join the real world.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is a good game enfolded inside of an awful one. It is a compound, woven tale of Geralt of Rivia, the titular Witcher - hunter of monsters - searching for a girl.

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