Battlefield Hardline Multiplayer review

Battlefield Hardline is now three months old and I thought it would be the perfect time to revisit the multiplayer aspect of the game. While not a totally different experience by any stretch of the imagination, it does play considerably different since I last talked about the multiplayer. To catch everybody up with my relationship with the game's multiplayer, I can say it's been lacking. My favorite game of 2014 was Battlefield 4 on the PS3 and PS4. I played the hell out of it and still jump back in on occasions. I clocked in a staggering 236 hours into that games multiplayer, which is a huge accomplishment. I rarely play any game that much, it was literally an addiction. So I was super excited for Hardline, I couldn't wait to get the next installment of a game I truly loved.
I have played Battlefield Hardline for an unbelievable 44 hours. I was truly having fun with the game at first. But once I played more and more, the less I was into it. Now don't get me wrong, there's nothing technically wrong with the game and it plays perfectly fine. It's just not Battlefield. Which became a huge turnoff. So I simply stopped playing. I went onto greater things like Bloodborne and The Witcher 3. Now I do stand by my original opinion on the game, it still is fun to hop in and play a match or two and the cops and robbers theme is nice. But the core experience wasn't fun anymore. It felt like mindless shooting and felt like the other big shooter in gaming. So now that we are caught up, let's talk about the current state of Battlefield Hardline.
JUNE 16th - Battlefield Hardline has been patched several times and has had one major patch since it's launch. It's first DLC entitle 'Criminal Activity' has also released, including four new maps, five new guns, and other goodies.
So the major patch that released a few weeks ago balanced a bunch of things and fixed noticeable bugs in the game. You could definitely tell what guns were nerfed and which ones kind of stayed the same. There aren't really any bull crap kills with SMG's from across the map with the one shot headshot glitch. Conquest got it's ticket count raised, which was one of my biggest complaints with the game's release. Matches now take a decent amount of time like Battlefield matches should, at least in conquest anyways.
Criminal Activity thankfully admits to what Hardline is and it features all close quarter fast paced action. The new four maps are actually pretty good and I would say are better than a lot of the vanilla maps. There is also a new mode called Bounty Hunter, which is Kill Confirmed from Call of Duty. And it freaking works, especially with the new maps. I finally feel like this is what Hardline is and should have been from the start. Stop trying to please everybody and just be a close quarter Battlefield experience. I can't wait to start leveling up and sinking hours of playtime into the new maps and mode. The new guns are also fun to use. The SG 510 being the best in my opinion and the KSG-12 being a huge surprise. Overall Criminal Activity is a stellar map pack that has definitely got me interested in playing more Battlefield Hardline.

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